Thursday, January 25, 2007

Comments on the Nature of Information notes

After reading through the notes that were posted about the Nature of Information, I think that the most interesting thing for me is how information is used in society today. I also find it interesting how things are interpreted differently based on your individual knowledge.

For example, artists manipulate many common signs or pieces of information naming them something else in their drawings. I think that they are trying to portray that it doesn't matter what you call the object, the only thing that matters is how it functions and what information it provides to its user.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Library of Babel

This article was really confusing for me. I didn't quite understand what the author was talking about. I think that the Library is the world itself, and all of the books are each individual person. I believe this to be true because he says, "In the vast Library there are no two identical books," and in the world there are no two people who are exactly identical. I could be completely wrong, but that is the main thing that I took away from this article.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

My First Post

This is my first post for my I101 blog page. I'm excited to see what this class will offer me throughout this semester.